Contact us
Comments or questions are welcome.
Please email
Include the following info: name, phone number, email address, mailing address
If you are interested in becoming a Firefighter and Medical First Responder. Please fill out this form, and someone will contact you
You must be 18 years of age, with a High School Diploma or GED
After being hired on to the Fire Department for a year. You will attend fire school. The class’ are every Saturday for 8 hours. You will start fire school in October and graduate in may. After graduating fire school you will be certified in:
Firefighter I&II, Wild fire, Haz-Mat awareness, Haz-Mat operations, Drivers Training, Basic First Aid- CPR, and AED
You will also take a Medical First Responder Course. This course is 6 weeks. After passing the class. You will need to take a national test. After passing that test. Then you will have to apply for your state license.
There are mandatory monthly trainings and meetings. We also have some mandatory volunteer time. We help park cars during the high school graduation, pancake breakfast, and help out at the Barry County Fair.
If you are interested in becoming a Firefighter and Medical First Responder. Please email us, and someone will contact you
You must be 18 years of age, with a High School Diploma or GED
After being hired on to the Fire Department for a year. You will attend fire school. The class’ are every Saturday for 8 hours. You will start fire school in October and graduate in may.
After graduating fire school you will be certified in:
Firefighter I&II
Wild fire
Haz-Mat awareness
Haz-Mat operations
Drivers Training
Basic First Aid- CPR, and AED
You will also take a Medical First Responder Course. This course is 6 weeks. After passing the class. You will need to take a national test. After passing that test. Then you will have to apply for your state license.
There are mandatory monthly trainings and meetings. We also have some mandatory volunteer time. We help park cars during the high school graduation, pancake breakfast, and help out at the Barry County Fair.